Ramadan & Eid

Eid Gift Delivery to Bangladesh

Mix Iftar Basket 2 This basket contains zilapi 1 kg, laddu 1kg, apples 1 kg, maltas 1 kg, Grapes Half kg,Bedana 1 piece (Large size),...
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Mix Iftar Basket This basket contains jilapi 1 kg, laddu 1kg, apples 1 kg, maltas 1 kg, Grapes Half kg, Bedana 1 piece (Large size),bananas 12...
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Fakruddin Biryani, Borhani, Coke & Cake (6 Persons) Description: Famous Fakruddin full 6 plates Kachchi Biryani (chinigura rice) with...
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Description: Famous Fakruddin Tahari 1 Half Plate for one person. Only available at Lunchtime. Delivery Area : Fakruddin Kachchi Biryani is...
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Bashomoti Kacchi, Borhani & Firni For 1 Person Famous and delicious Bashomoti kacchi 1 full plate with 1 cup firni & Borhani for one person...
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2.2 pounds round shape vanilla Cake from Bread & Beyond. Send this yummy and nicely decorated cake to Bangladesh for your friends and love ones on...
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Description:  Juicy and mouth-watering beef burger from American Burger. Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift card....
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Description: Sultans Dine Kachchi Biryani 5full plates with borhani and chicken roast for 5 person. Treat your family, friends or relatives with this...
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